Wednesday, April 3, 2013

3 Professional Tips on Social Media for Small Businesses

Are you new in social media marketing but would want to grow your small business by leaps and bounds? A few experts have shared their hottest social media tips which they personally prefer when they are doing their thing. 

Here are the pieces of advice from some of these experts which will help take your small business to the next level!

Showing Them You Are Real

Start using the social website Facebook in order to show your customers, clients and prospects that you are real. Although providing the occasional industry tip, link to a new blog or a new article piece, this is just so common nowadays that almost everyone else is doing it. Instead, why not show them how you are a real person by posting updates on interests that you are passionate about?

If you love to read, share quotes on something that will be insightful to readers. If you love cooking, post pictures of your latest masterpieces. Whichever you choose to show your passion to your followers, try to keep things interesting, different and humorous. It is also important to be original here.

Select One Social Network and Stick to It

Trying to be active on all of the social networks and putting in effort that is half-hearted will not give you the results that you are looking for. That is why it is recommended that you should let your small business pick a social network that will provide them with the highest amount of audience that they can give. Using tools such as the advertising platform of Facebook, LinkedIn’s search and Follower Wonk will let you assess this.

Lead Generate with Facebook

Many ways in order to grow your marketing list are available and one of these is by building an opt-in strategy through your Facebook page. Try to keep it simple by using iFrames in order to create your personalized welcome tab. This tab is where you can do the 2-step process which will be called a “reveal tab”.

The first step is to include a call to action which will encourage prospects to Like the page and become a fan. Once the person becomes a fan and has liked your page, you should offer them a valuable gift in exchange for their email and name. This model will help increase your fan base and will also grow your lead list as well.

Image Source By :  inblurbs

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