Monday, April 1, 2013

Top 5 Advanced Twitter Tips for Small Businesses

Now that you have gotten your small business running and you have already mastered the basics when it comes to social networking, what’s do you need to do next in order to move to the next level? Below are tips which will help improve your marketing mastery when using the social networking website Twitter.

1. Connect with followers. You can make new friends in Twitter by following them. Using a tool such as FollowerWonk will allow users to find people whom they share the same interests, location or related to the competition. Following them and making light conversation is the way to form relationships with people online. It is not advised to sell or talk about the products or services that the company has to offer right away.

2. Tweet scheduling. Checking on Twitter has already been a daily routine for most people nowadays. People usually do this as the first thing in the morning, after they have had their lunch or later on in the afternoon. That is why having tweets scheduled when you know the right time that the audience will be present is an excellent plan. Scheduling in Twitter means that a person simply chooses the times within a day where they will be hanging around for a conversation or using tools such as HootSuite to help in tweeting automatically instead of manually. Whichever technique you prefer to use, it is important to interact with people who are following you during the times when they are waiting to be interacted with.

3. Sharing news topics. If you are subscribed to RSS feeds or blogs, you can share at least one content piece that you have read for the day which has made you analyze or bring out emotions from yourself. For those who are not yet subscribed, feed readers like Google Reader will help people stay updated with their favorite blogs and will always have content that is worthy to be shared with their audience even in the wireless Internet world.

4. Find out about your audience. Knowing who your target audience is in Twitter is very important because it will help you decide on what information or content to share in which they will be interested in. If most of the people in your audiences are already experts in a particular field or industry, tweeting about beginner How Tos or tutorials is something that you do not want to do. You also would not like to go over their heads too far by talking about advanced techniques on a topic that they have just begun learning about. If you take the time in developing a user profile that is ideal for your audience, it will help you share information that will be more relevant to them and will keep them interested in you as well.

5. Start being helpful. During your free time, do some searches in Twitter for problems that people are discussing and which your company can be a solution for. Sharing resources or a relevant link that will help them with their problem is a good idea. If you do not have an answer regarding their problem, you can have their message re-tweeted to see if anyone can help. 

Image URL Source By : inblurbs

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