Friday, April 26, 2013

Making Your Blog Interesting to Target Audiences

A lot of people ask how they can keep their blog interesting to their followers and readers over and over again. Whenever a blogger creates a blog for themselves, a lot of them just tend to go deep into the technicalities of how to blog rather than content. Content is very important but instead of focusing on this, most bloggers just dig deep into inserting videos, blog design and creating links. The backbone of every blog is its content and without it, everything will not fall into place as you have planned for your blog.

Even though I have given due importance to how content is critical in keeping readers interested in coming back to your blog, any kind of content will not work out. That is why I have prepared for you tips on how you can start getting the right content into your blog now.

Blog Lingo Should Be Consistently Interesting

One of the common mistakes that people do within blogs is that they start out with a creative voice for it and then go into the more technical and preachy tone as they move onwards. For marketing blogs, this kind of technique is not going to work out very well. Blogs that are focused on businesses will want to have their site tell its visitors what their service or product can do for them instead of jumping into the technicalities right away which can bore them. Keeping a conversational tone is key and making it sound like you are telling each visitor about your product or service as if it is their first time knowing about it.

Bridge the Gap Between You and Your Readers

Avoid alienating the people who reads your blogs. You may be needed to talk a lot of things about how your product or service works and this is important but you do not have to make it sound like you are the leader and the readers are your followers. As much as possible, involve your readers in your blogs through forums and discussions. Encourage them to share their insights and opinions. This is also a great way to know what you should change with your products and services based on their feedback.

Show Readers Your Testimonials

This technique is one of the ways that brings your marketing or business blog into life in the eyes of your readers. Post stories of a person or people who have used your product or service once in a while. You can request your reader to write the story or you can write it for them instead. Anecdotes such as this found in your blog will make it more interesting for future readers.

Become Content Creative

Even if you are good at writing, going over the same topics using the same kind of lingo will eventually make your content uninteresting to readers. Make sure that the content you write are those that are unique compared to other competitor blogs. This can be done by having other writers submit content for your blog through guest posting. Aside from having unique tones and subjects, guest posting will also help you build an ideal blogging community.

Image Source: qualitystockphotos

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