Thursday, July 18, 2013

3 Common Mistakes When Business Blogging


The rules of success for business blogging are not known by many people because of its relatively new role as a marketing strategy. This however does not mean that there are no rules for success when it comes to this. As a matter of fact, the components of business blogging to be successful are simple and straightforward. There are some business bloggers today that are having much success by developing their brand, improving their customer loyalty, creating leads and capturing the attention of their audience.

These are the ideal aspects that you should look out for. Yet there are many business bloggers that are not able to achieve this because of committing simple mistakes. The following are the three common mistakes that business bloggers do. The good thing here is that they can be easily corrected.

1. Wrong Content Posting. People that go to the Internet love to read web content that gives value to them and their needs. These needs can include finding entertainment, searching for data or learning how something can be done. Since there are a lot of content on their end to deal with, these individuals do not have the patience to check each of those that are not helpful to them.

That is why you should not make the mistake of writing the first things that come into your mind. If the audience that you are targeting is composed of elementary teachers, you won’t think that you will be able to attract their attention by providing them a play-by-play account of your latest football game.

2. Rapid Posting. You would want to be known in the Internet as a dependable source of information for your consumers and that is why you should post regularly. It is not a requirement to post something on a daily basis, but you have to be consistent with your content. Posting on an irregular basis will not leave a good impression with people. In order to stay on track, you have to develop your own editorial calendar which is going to tell you what to post and when to have it published.

These editorial calendars are going to be very helpful for you especially if you have different writers providing content for your blog. This is because you can keep your assignment delegation more organized without having to worry about duplication and oversight.

3. Addressing the Wrong Target Audience. If you are thinking of utilizing your business blog for your marketing purposes, you should ensure that you are addressing the right audience beforehand. This is because you may be accidentally developing a blog that is improving the ranking of your competitors instead of for your clients.

Let us say that you are a company that outsources its services and that you spend most of your time providing content on how the business is being managed. Many of your competitors are going to find your tips useful but will not attract a lot of attention for your blog. Instead of doing this, write about the benefits that your business has to offer people including tips.

Image Source: blogging for business

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