Friday, June 7, 2013

Youtube: 5 Ways To Help Small Business Win At Video Marketing

Almost all of us know that YouTube is the second ranking search engine in the web today when it comes to query volume terms. This is an impressive number which is second to Google, yet what exactly does this mean for small businesses that are finding ways on how to reach their customers?
As it turns out and that many of the views in YouTube are for entertainment purposes, there are also a substantial amount of videos that people are watching in order to get information or seek advice. As a matter of fact, there are more than 35 million searches being made in YouTube each month with regards to “how to” videos. This is at least 35 million opportunities that businesses can take advantage of in order to reach their prospect clients which may be in need of their products and services.

Yet how exactly can local and small businesses make use of this trend for their benefits? Here are some ways on how YouTube video marketing can affect these businesses positively.

Produce Content That Meets the Needs
In order to reach the targets that are in need of your products and services, you should be able to create content that attracts these people to you. By simply uploading a walkthrough of your business is not going to grab the attention or create buzz on your shop. It is going to help of you keep the old marketing acronym in mind, which in this case is AIDA or Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. Grab the attention of your audience and start generating interest by meeting their needs when it comes to information.

Keep an Eye Out on Production Value
For your videos, you do not need to aim in producing one just like Spielberg, but they should be easy to watch and professional. Videos that have poor audio quality, shaky camera work, horrible lighting and lack of coherence in the story will all lead to the viewer’s shifting channels.
That is why you should pay attention to the lighting as much as you can. Utilize a tripod in order to provide a smoother viewing experience. Pay attention to the audio output and use microphones if you must. Tell a story that is easy to understand for viewers. If you are able to pay attention to the basics in video production, you will be able to stand out amongst the massive amounts of user-made videos that are of poor quality. This will lead to more interest being generated to your channel as well.

Enhance and Optimize for Search in YouTube
There are a lot of videos being uploaded every minute and every day in the website. For you to be found, you will need to optimize the video that you have uploaded in YouTube. Start including keywords that are important in the title and make sure that your tags will also include the keywords you are using as well. Select a thumbnail that is appealing and one that will clearly show viewers what the video is about.

Provide Follow-Up Action for Viewers
As you follow the AIDA model in marketing, you would want to generate desire for viewers for them to make follow up actions. If you have made an information video about your product or service, you would want to give your viewers a reason to follow up and a clear way in doing so. A good way to start doing this is by providing them with a special offer and a web address that they can go to in the video.

A good example for a call to action is “Follow the instructions given in the video and you will receive a 10% discount on the product by visiting our website”, and this will provide an actionable step for your viewers that have a clear value on it. The discount and the unique address that you have provided to your viewers are ways on how you can measure the successfulness of your YouTube video.

Let Your Viewers Know About You
Do not hesitate in letting your viewers know who you are and what you do in the business world. It is important that the people know who is providing them with valuable information. Encourage users in taking in steps in building a relationship with your company by letting them subscribe to its YouTube channel.
Building up the subscriber base that you have in YouTube, you will then be able to automatically reach into a steady audience that can be potential customers that have decided in seeing the videos that you will be uploading.

Image Source: followthewire

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