Saturday, June 15, 2013

How to Build a Social Media Marketing Strategy that Really Works

Without a doubt, many businesses nowadays make good use of social media to their advantage. For instance, they have developed marketing strategies with the help of social media and it worked for them! Social media marketing is making waves in the business world as it propelled most of the businesses who embraced it on top.

However, not all who use it succeeded with their efforts. Perhaps the strategy they use was not suitable to their business. Or maybe they just joined the social media craze without even outlining their plans. Setting up Facebook and Twitter accounts for social media marketing purposes does not simply end there. In fact, it needs a lot of studies, strategic plans and impeccable execution to achieve the desired outcome for your business.

Here are some tips on how to come up with a social media marketing that really works.

1.      Notice how others do it and examine your current marketing strategy
Many businesses instantly jump into conclusion of joining social media just because they’ve seen others do it even if they are unprepared for it. They don’t even know they will execute it or why they should take part of it thus sometimes resulting to disappointment.
If you really want to adopt social media, you should study first how it will help you in the long run. You also need to observe how others utilize social media and learn from their tactics. Furthermore, analyze all your business needs and how you will be supported by social media with such needs.
2.      Develop your own social marketing strategy action plan

As soon as you have determined what you really want from social media, the next thing that you’ll consider is to learn how to get it. Action plan is a pre-requisite for all businesses but only those that are really feasible. Your business’ future depends on how well you manage your business presently. In any case, the best way for you to start is setting short-term goals perhaps having 3,000 Facebook friends in 3 months’ time or closing at least 5 deals with your Twitter followers next month.          

3.      Implement your marketing strategy

Once you already have a social marketing strategy, make sure to properly execute it as soon as possible. A marketing strategy is useless if not performed well. Some skeptics oftentimes hire social media experts to do the job for them. In this case, they are assured that their marketing strategy will be perfectly implemented.

4.      Assess your marketing strategy

Now that you are implementing your marketing strategy, make an assessment as to the radical changes brought about by social media. If there’s a positive effect, then it’s definitely worth the investment. But if you are still getting negative feedbacks, there’s a reason behind it for you to panic. It is really important to gauge the effects of social media for this is the deciding factor whether to continue or not anymore. The challenge here is that evaluating the impact of social media is not that easy because there is no definite criterion on this matter.   

5.      Upgrade your marketing strategy.

Social media changes from time to time. Therefore, you must be updated so that you will not be left behind. It is very important that you will go with the flow in social media which means you will upgrade your social media marketing strategy in line with the latest trends. That being said, continue what strategy is doing good while you may stop, postpone or refine which is stagnant.  

Social media is changing constantly; therefore, you need to be aware of the latest happenings in cyber world so that you will determine if you are still on the right track or not as far as social media marketing strategy is concerned.  

Image Source: searchoptimise

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