Thursday, May 30, 2013

Reasons To Socialize Your Business

Small and medium-sized businesses don’t need social networks to survive but if you want your business to have an edge, socializing does help. I can think of different reasons why you should socialize your business. Each of them will grant your business a huge advantage over the rest.

Build brand awareness
Brand awareness goes beyond people’s knowledge of your business name and logo. It also entails how people associate your brand to the products you sell or the services you provide. Generally speaking, you want your brand to be known for providing high-quality products and services. Engaging in social networks can help spread brand awareness across people who encounter your business for the first time. Satisfied customers who interact with your social networks can also help in spreading word about your company, large or small. Their positive feedback is going to leave a good impression on possible customers.
Free advertising
Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are also means to advertise your business cost-free. Its viral, user-friendly and world wide.

Identify your market
Social media can help business owners determine which populations are actually interested in the products and services they provide. Even though businesses target particular niches and markets, social media can help them find out if they targeted the right people or if they need to make adjustments in the business strategies they use. Furthermore, social media may be used as research tools for coming up with new products and services. Conduct surveys among your existing database of followers and figure out what they need and want from your business.

Build the trust of your customers
Socializing can also help build the trust of customers in your business. However, it doesn’t always work this way. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to manage your social networking accounts by responding to customers who leave comments or send you messages. Not replying to them will actually cost you their trust. Apart from responding to complaints and disappointed customers, regularly interact with customers by starting conversations. Remember to keep your statements professional and be careful with what you say. One wrong message can damage the reputation of your business.
Drive traffic to your website
Businesses who own websites can use social media to drive traffic towards them. From there, customers can find out more about your business (brand awareness) and possibly avail your products and services online. Driving traffic to your business website can also increase your Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank, both of which are important in assessing the relevance of your website. Together, these ranks can help your company website appear in the first page of search engines.

Increase your profit
With the help of effective social media marketing, your business will get more customers. The more customers you have, the more profit you’ll gain.

Image Source: qualitystockphotos

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