Thursday, March 14, 2013

3 Easy Ways To Keep Your Blog Attractive and Interesting

What to do to garner traffic to your blog?

There are quite a few things that you can apply to your blog in order to give it a much needed interest boost from people. When you started out with your blog, your main concern at first was producing good and unique content for your readers in a regular basis. But as you progress in trying to please your readers by providing them with articles which you think they are interested in, things can get dull as there is not much variety to choose from. However, there are ways on how you can write and publish different kinds of content and formats to make it interesting. 

3 Easy Ways You Can Do to Create Attractive Blogs

1. Include Videos in the Blog
Blog owners who want their readers to keep coming back or have them stay in their blogs longer, can make them do so by applying videos for them to watch. You can make videos of yourself discussing the topics that you usually write about in your blog. You can immediately gauge the reaction of your audiences especially if you put a comments section below your video content. Just keep things simple when uploading videos so that you will not give yourself a hard time in putting them up regularly.

2. Interview People
The next thing that you would want to integrate within your blog is to interview industry experts and thought leaders about specific topics. Share the interview that you had with them to your readers as you ask about their thoughts on pressing issues that are related to your industry. As you conduct your interview with a person, try to avoid making it sound scripted as much as possible. Although interviews that are scripted can be produced faster, it will not sound as interesting to watch compared to a free-flowing conversation. Just be natural and avoid being stiff when talking to the person you are interviewing.

3. Spice it Up with Humor
If you have already done the two points given above, then you are almost ready to roll and would want to cap your blog off with an added bonus. Try inserting humorous blog posts that are related to the industry you are blogging about at least once every week. Funny news stories may be the ones that you should look out for and start writing a blog about it. Even though these humor posts that you publish are not focused on thought leadership, they can still be interesting to many readers and can be shared more than your regular posts. This in turn will generate new readers and traffic to your blog.

Image Source: joeyandaleethea